A collection of functions for modelling arthropod development rates (mean and variance) as a function of temperature.
Adapted originally from the PhD work of Soledad Castano (,
and extended during the masters project of Walid Kandouci.
To build and install the package, do the following
* Create a directory in which to build the package, I call mine nimbleTempDev
* cd to that directory
* git clone
* R CMD build nimbleTempDev
* R CMD check nimbleTempDev_0.1.0.tar.gz (optional - for package developers only)
* R CMD INSTALL nimbleTempDev_0.1.0.tar.gz
Alternatively, if the above fails to install the vignette, you do the following from R
* setwd("nimbleTempDev")
* grep("DESCRIPTION", dir()) # This will return 1 if you are in the correct working directory
* devtools::install(build_vignettes = TRUE)
<!-- It may be possible to install the package, from R, as follows... -->
<!-- ``` r -->
<!-- if (!require("remotes")) { -->
<!-- install.packages("remotes") -->
<!-- } -->
<!-- remotes::install_gitlab("umr-astre/nimbleTempDev", subdir = "nimbleTempDev", host = "") -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- Alternatively, -->